
Supply of Scaena Lighting

Pedido de Propostas

Informação Geral

   20 de Set, 2024
   publicado: 20 de Set, 2024

Texto original

T1.1.1 University Estates of the University of the Free State invites tenderers for:
Bloemfontein Campus: 83725-106 Scaena Lighting
CIDB rating required – Not applicable to this tender
T1.1.2 Tender Collection
The bid documents will be distributed electronically to bidders with effect from 23
September 2024 and the proof of payment will only be accepted from the mentioned date...
Opções de assinatura




US$ 550,00/ano

US$ 1.000,00/por ano

Custo mediante solicitação

Comprar Comprar Fale conosco
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