
"Mission The María Jesús Mejía Educational Institution Promotes Learning By Applying A Comprehensive Model With A Social Approach Based On Competencies, Training In Values, From The Preschool, Basic, Academic And Technical Secondary Levels, Promoting Inclusion And Attention To Diversity, Providing Society With People Capable Of Solving Problems And Improving Their Environment. Vision The María Jesús Mejía Educational Institution Will Be Recognized In 2026 At The Local And Regional Level For The Development Of Educational Processes With High Levels Of Academic Performance, Focused On The Development Of Skills And Abilities. In The Formation Of The Being, Through A Pedagogical Proposal That Promotes The Development Of Life Skills. "Supported By An Educational Community Committed To Institutional Improvement And That Of Its Environment."

Plano de Aquisições

Informação Geral

   30 de Mai, 2024
121399991 COP
   publicado: 30 de Mai, 2024

Texto original

INSTITUCION EDUCATIVA MARIA JESUS MEJIAtranslator.loadFileAndTranslateElement($('#spnGridAppEntitySpan1_16'),'')2024translator.loadFileAndTranslateElement($('#spnGridAppYearSpan1_16'),'')21/11/2023121.399.991...
Opções de assinatura




US$ 550,00/ano

US$ 1.000,00/por ano

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