
Contracting Of The Non-Residential Socio-Educational Intervention Service For Children, Adolescents And Their Families In The Municipality Of Barberà Del Vallès, Which, Together With Its Coding, Appears In Section A) Of The Attached Table Of Characteristics (Annex 1). The Defined Contract Is Classified As A Service Contract In Accordance With Article 17 Of The Lcsp, And The Applicable Legal Regime Is That Provided For In The Arts. 308 Et Seq. Of The Lcsp. The Bidding And Execution Of The Contract Will Be Governed, In Addition To The Applicable Legal Regulations, By The Specific Administrative Clauses And The Technical Specifications (Ppt) (Annex 2).

Pedido de Propostas

Informação Geral

   19 de Set, 2024
886944 EUR
   publicado: 19 de Set, 2024

Texto original

N774240018-1Contractació del servei d’intervenció socioeducativa no residencial per a infants, adolescents i les seves famílies del municipi de Barberà del Vallès, que junt amb la seva codificació, figura a l'apartat A) del quadre de característiques annex (Annex 1).

El contracte definit té la qualificació de contracte de serveis d'acord amb l'article 17 de la LCSP, i el règim jurídic aplicable...
Opções de assinatura




US$ 550,00/ano

US$ 1.000,00/por ano

Custo mediante solicitação

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