
The Object Of This Contract Consists In The Development Of The Governance And Participation Plan And The Communication And Awareness Plan Of The Renatureus Project (Actions C1 And C2). The Contract Must Respond To The Specification Of Particular Technical Specifications, Where The Detail And Scope Of The Work To Be Carried Out And Its Requirements Are Defined. This Contract Is Subject, In Any Case, To The Compliance, Execution And Realization Of The Milestones And Objectives Set In The Recovery, Transformation And Resilience Plan, In Accordance With The Council'S Executive Decision Regarding The Approval Of The Evaluation Of Spain'S Recovery And Resilience Plan (Council Implementing Decision-Cid) And Will Be Subject To The Full Application Of The Procedures And Control Established By The Eu Mrr And Other Eu Regulations Applicable To The Management, Monitoring And Control Established By The Prtr, As Well As The Specific Obligations Relating To Information And Advertising, Verification And Others Imposed By The Regulations Of The European Union.

Pedido de Propostas

Informação Geral

   14 de Set, 2024
121080 EUR
   publicado: 14 de Set, 2024

Texto original

CONSER-0208/2024L’objecte del present contracte consisteix en el desenvolupament del pla de governança i participació i el pla de comunicació i sensibilització del projecte RENATUReus (accions C1 i C2). El contracte haurà de respondre al plec de prescripcions tècniques particulars, on es defineixen el detall i l’abast dels treballs a realitzar i els seus requeriments...
Opções de assinatura




US$ 550,00/ano

US$ 1.000,00/por ano

Custo mediante solicitação

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