
[Jica Assisted Kwss To Meenad And Adjoing Villges- Package I- Intake Works And Water Treatment Plant-- Supply And Erection Of 1 No Vt Pump Set At Raw Water Pump House At Tholikkode Having Discharge1666.66 M3 Hr And Head 130.78 M And Other Allied Wor]

Adjudicação de contrato

Informação Geral

   23 de Ago, 2024
   publicado: 23 de Ago, 2024

Texto original

Organisation Chain
Kerala Water Authority||Chief Engineer Southern Region (Trivandrum)||Superintending Engineer (PH Circle Kollam)

Tender ID :

Tender Ref No :
T No.109/2021-22/SE/Q

Tender Title :
JICA Assisted KWSS to Meenad and adjoing villges- Package I- Intake works and Water Treatment plant-- Supply and erection of 1 no VT pump set at Raw...
Opções de assinatura




US$ 550,00/ano

US$ 1.000,00/por ano

Custo mediante solicitação

Comprar Comprar Fale conosco

Contract award information

   Hydro Electrical Systems
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