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Millennium Project Completion Agency Zambia (MPCA-Z)

Este comprador é uma parte da Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC).
Millennium Project Completion Agency Zambia (MPCA-Z) opera em Zâmbia.
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) selected the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) for the development of a potential second Compact. The Millennium Project Completion Agency Zambia (MPCA-Z) was appointed by the GRZ to facilitate the development of this Compact. The United States of America, acting through MCC, and the Government of the Republic of Zambia have entered into a Compact Development Funding Agreement (“Agreement”) in the amount of approximately Twelve Million United States Dollars (USD 12,000,000).

Following MCC’s early assessments and in support of the GRZ’s national priorities, MCC and MPCA-Z agreed to jointly pursue the development and continued due diligence on (1) roads and access; (2) asset finance; and (3) agriculture policy and institutional strengthening to improve agriculture productivity and agro-processing.

Avisos de aquisição

País:  Zâmbia

Tipo:  Pedido de Propostas

3 de Jun, 2024 
8 de Jul, 2024